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Audit Reports

What is an Audit Report?

In Prism, the Audit Reports feature helps you create and review documents that identify areas with the highest use of public and non-public vehicle activity. The reports show where and how vehicles are used off-road and help you understand vehicle activity patterns. By looking at various data sources, including vehicle and geographical information, these reports distinguish between public and non-public roads, such as private roads, trails, and off-road paths, and the activity that has taken place over these locations. This information is crucial for planning and compliance monitoring.

PLEASE NOTE: The accuracy of Audit Reports depends on both the methodology used by Prism and the data provided by you, including Vehicle Data, as well as data obtained from third-party sources. While efforts are made to ensure fairness and reasonability in the methodology, the reliability of the output depends on the accuracy of the data.

How can I access these reports

In order to navigate to to the Audit Reports, and if you have already integrated an account with Prism, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Prism account.

  2. On the home page, under Tools, find and select Audit Reports as shown in the screenshot below.

Note - By default, this feature will be enabled during the initial setup and onboarding process. If however you do not see this feature made available for you in the home page, please contact and our team will assist further.

  1. Once selected, you’ll see initial audit reports (per month) generated during setup and onboarding, which include:

    • Top Public Road Idling Trips

    • Top Public Road Driving Trips

    • Top Non-Public Road Idling Trips

    • Top Non-Public Road Driving Trips

    • Top Non-Public Road Idling Clusters

    • Top Non-Public Road Driving Clusters

    • Audit trip file

    • Audit analysis tables

How to Generate Audit Reports for a Desired Month

Note - Before generating an audit report, ensure vehicle activity for that month is recorded and the month has concluded.

In order to generate audit reports for the desired month,

  1. Navigate to the audit reports page and click on '(plus)' button on the top right hand side of the screen.

  2. Select the month or months you want to generate reports for and click Continue. Please see the animation below for reference.

This process will take a few minutes, and once complete, you’ll be able to see the generated audit reports.

Select plus sign.gif

Image 3 - Generating new Audit Reports (per month).

Understanding the audit reports in detail

Here's an explanation of what each audit report means and how to identify any potential anomalies in your vehicle and GPS data.

Audit Trip File:

The Audit Trip file is a CSV (comma separated value) file that lists all the trips taken by all the vehicles for that month. It includes a summary of trips which can be filtered by their ftc classification, road type, individual trips and the timeframes for driving idling of their fleet and can be best viewed in GIS tools like ArcGIS, QGIS, or Grass GIS to see the vehicle trips on geospatial maps.

Audit trip file example viewed on QGIS

Note: The "Top Public and Non-Public Driving and Idling Trips and Clusters" documents mentioned below only include information on selected trips with a high amount of specified activity, not all activity. For detailed trip information, visit the Trip Viewer. [How to use trip viewer].

Top Non-Public Road Driving Trips:

These reports highlight the trips with the highest amount of driving on non-public roads. They provide detailed insights and maps showing where vehicles are frequently traveling on private roads, trails, and other off-road paths. This information helps fleet managers identify patterns of non-public road usage, which could be looked at to identify mapping anomalies and understand patterns of non-public road usage.

Top Non-Public Road Idling Trips:

This section focuses on trips where vehicles spent a significant amount of time idling on non-public roads. The reports include images and GPS data that pinpoint where these idling events occurred. Fleet managers can use this data to understand idling patterns, reduce fuel wastage, and potentially use this information to improve overall vehicle and route efficiencies.

Top Public Road Driving Trips:

These reports provide insights into trips with extensive driving activity on public roads. They feature GPS data and maps showing the most frequently traveled routes on public roads. This helps users optimise routing, enhance trip planning, and ensure compliance with road usage policies also keep track of any potential mapping inefficiencies.

Top Public Road Idling Trips:

This section covers trips with significant idling activity on public roads. The reports include GPS data and visual maps that show where vehicles were idling for extended periods. This information is useful for identifying and addressing inefficiencies, reducing unnecessary idling, and improving fuel consumption.

Top Non-Public Road Driving Clusters:

These reports highlight clusters of high non-public road driving activity in specific regions. The provided insights and images help fleet managers understand areas with concentrated off-road driving. This can aid in planning for off-road operations, ensuring vehicle readiness, and managing off-road driving risks.

Top Non-Public Road Idling Clusters:

This section focuses on regions with high concentrations of idling on non-public roads. The reports include detailed GPS data and maps that show where these clusters are located. This document is used to affirm and identify fleet activity over off road activities like loading docks, operational requirements (auxiliary usage on idling), etc.

Audit Analysis Tables:

  • This is a zip file that contains various files used for analysing the vehicle and GPS data, including:

    • Trip Data: A list of all trips taken that month.

    • Vehicles Daily: A list of vehicles considered for reporting that month.

    • Trips_FTC: Detailed information on how much the vehicle traveled on public and non-public roads and fuel usage for that month.

    • Dropped Points: A list of GPS points dropped due to being identified as outliers or duplicates.

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